Friday, January 3, 2020

Vision of the future (get it?)

Hello True Believers!

On the Marvel Crisis Protocol front from Atomic Mass Games, we got a sneak peak at the upcoming release of the Avenger the Vision!

We could only produce a quality screenshot thanks to the help of one of our followers Xcalante!  This image is only of the Injured side, but as seen on the stream there are no changes from the Healthy side.

The Vision is going to be a power house you might want to fit into your roster. He has two very powerful basic attacks and a variety of powers very useful on the field.

First up is his Solar Energy Beam. It costs no Power to use, has a Range Beam 4 (huge) and rolls 5 Dice for damage. Whats better is that he automatically gains 1 Power from using this, and for every Wild Die that he rolls, he drains 1 Power from an enemy model and adds it to his own pool.

Synthezoid Avenger is a devastating Physical attack that has Range 3, 7 Dice for damage but a hefty cost on power. Whats even more terrifying is that the enemy model hit does not Critical Success dice or do they get to roll Critical Success dice again for Defense! Remember how he generates power? He starts the Round with 1, can generate 1+ from Solar Energy Beam and conceivably use this attack Round 1.

Calculated Trajectory allows the Vision to pick up an enemy model or terrain feature of Size 3 or less and throw them Range Medium for 2 Power. Good way to keep models of objectives.

Synthesis is a no Power cost Superpower that allows the Vision to instantly gain 2 Power, at the cost of using 1 Action that phase.  Something that works well with Synthezoid Avenger!

Rapid Phase is a nice Reactive Power that allows the Vision to quickly change between Phasing types.

Phasing! Choose during the Power Phase at the beginning of the Round. He can enter Enhanced Density giving him +3 Physical Defense dice (for a total of 5!) and he cannot be Pushed.  On the other hand he can choose Phased which grants him +3 Energy Defense dice (for a total of 5!) and he does not suffer Collision damage!

So far, the Vision is looking like a versatile character to have on any roster. He will be hard to defeat and a solid choice to capture and hold an objective from any attacker.

Something Great and Good Coming!

Greetings and Saluations!

No photo description available.

January 4th, 2020 at 9:30 (GMT) Games Workshop will be revealing a great many things during the Warhammer New Year Open day.

We are looking forward to this reveal and here are our expectations for Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000.

Reveal Theories
Age of Sigmar: Seraphons
Warhammer 40,000: Psychic Awakening 5 Tau and 6 Orks.
Underworlds: New Warbands (edited)
Aeronautica Imperialis: Next faction, Chaos

We suspect a great many previews of upcoming models, including how the Tau Empire are effected by the Psychic Awakening. The Greater Good, Psychic Awakening Book 5, looks to release in February 2020.

What is in store for them?  Well we have a few ideas.

As always, everything is rumor until Games Workshop reveals it for us. Let us know what you think!
Watch tomorrow on at 6pm CST for a review of the reveals!
